Creative & Masterful Marketing in Aurora

Before & After
5-Year Growth Projection

Projection Rendering on Foamboard

The Cline Family received an amazing out-of-state employment opportunity in San Diego, but in order to make the move happen, they needed to sell their gorgeous, practically new home in Aurora's Southshore neighborhood. The problem: they were having trouble selling under another agent due to several factors, chief among them being the lack of privacy from the neighbors behind them.
We were hired and immediately got to work. We assisted the sellers with taking care of two initial projects and then turned our attention to the landscaping problem.
Leveraging our relationship with Tagawa Gardens in Parker, our arborist identified the best tree for our needs: the Spartan Juniper. Why? Because not only is the Spartan Juniper an excellent choice due to its year-around privacy shade, but it's the fastest growing juniper at a growth rate of 18" per year!
Short on time, but focused on the goal, we procured three Spartan Junipers and had them planted within a week. What's more, we had a landscape rendering created to show the 5-year forecasted growth on 3' by 2' foamboard so buyers could see the privacy they would be enjoying a few years down the road, when the tree fully matured.
Once completed, we had successfully answered all the objections from previous buyers and quickly sold the property.